Thursday, August 7, 2008

Female Foeticide

This is my second post here, i am very thankful to Shanker Bakshi who inspired me to start the blogging. Mr. Shanker Bakshi helped me to create the blog spot. The blog is the very substantial and imperative media to spread the messages to the masses and express yourself.

To kill someone is to kill the moral values first. In the last twenty years 10 million girls have been killed by their own parents. When ever I see any natural calamity immediately my attention goes towards the female foeticide. I do feel with conviction that the natural calamity is the repercussion of the genocide of the girl child. Since this is against the “Dharma” of humanity.

i am giving here some unbelievable statistics. In 2007 the sex ratio of the Haryana and Punjab was 861 and 874 female for every 1000 male respectively, the lowest in the country. These two states come in the highest par capita income group and most literate states.

The abortion business is Rs. 1000 crore industry in India. All the possible method to kill the girl child has been adopted energetically since last twenty years i.e. abortion and some time two or three abortion to seek the boy child, through the new born girl child on the heap of the garbage, in river, in well, overfed with milk, poisoned, and the last but not the least starvation. But men can’t kill the curse of the voiceless soul. One day we have to face the consequences.

To stop the female foeticide we have stringent PNDT Act ( The Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques Act, 1994), clutch on the manufacturer to sell ultrasound machines only to the registered clinics, some district have started the registration of the pregnant women, very attractive welfare schemes from the states and central Govt., the spiritual leaders, gurus advise and instruct time to time to the peoples to stop this inhumane practice but people close their eyes, to observe the magnitude of the alarming practice the five head priest of “Akal Takht” the highest Sikh body in Golden temple even issued “Hukumnama” (An Edict” in April 2001 to be excommunication if any Sikh found in this heinous practice, the Hindus have tradition of the worshiping the girls as Goddesses on the “Navratra”, even then why the female foeticide cases have been increasing day by day in India.

Some prominent reason of the female foeticide that society suggest are dowry, boy is bread winners, boy light the funeral, social security, increasing rate of the divorces, insecure female in the society, male look after the property, the male enhance the family etc.

What do feel are the above said reasons are acceptable?

Do you have any substantial formula to stop the female foeticide?


Anonymous said...

You might be interested in my post on "Abortion, Female Foeticide and Rights"

Unknown said...

This is really horible. If do anybody like this god must be punished him/her.